Tuesday, October 27, 2009


25 Sep 2005

First Date

Does anybody remember his first date? I do.. vividly... it just happened three nights ago.

Allow me. See, I'm 37 and I feel like I just experienced my first date. I mean it was not a real date date but an acquaintance - the getting to know you type. Forgive me for my delusion but then again, let me wallow in my dream.

If it does not qualify as a first date, then shoot me, I know it does have the trappings of a first date - and I hope it would progress to a second, and third - ooh fourth would be kind of frightening - that's for the other party, not me.

I should shroud his identity in secrecy in respect to his privacy. See, I am talking like a sixteen year old sex kitten here, but i'll identify the give away signs.

I just came from a really short vacation, where else but home, and of course brought some goodies with me and therefore arranged a rendezvous to hand over the much anticipated pasalubongs. So here I was, not expecting much but of course putting my better foot forward. I even opened my fourth bottle of Bulgari perfume. He picks me up and we wonder where we could go for some coffee but at twelve midnight, only Starbucks at Jumeirah, I thought, would still be open by then, and so we decide to just find some place quiet where we can talk. We go to a bar and realize that it was nothing but quiet so we move outside and I rattle and prattle about my recently failed romance. He asks and the blabbermouth that I am just spilled my guts out. I ask, he answers - and it went on till it was just the two of us. Or like I said, I could just be delusional and over romanticizing it a bit, but heck, I need to find a reason to smile and just thinking about it makes me smile and look up to heaven and say, thank You for simple pleasures.

I call it my first date ever because for once in my fucking existence, I did not pay. Chivalry is alive, yahoooo.... (or did I just conveniently ignore to share with the tab?). I get picked up, no flowers, ha ha. We spoke for hours till it was time to go, sleep actually, since I had to work the next day. I have never met someone who kept me talking - good listener he is, his eyes stared right through me when he had something to say or when he was just listening. My eyes usually get droopy when talking to another especially late nights , but that was an exception. Where else can one find a man who's not distracted, who's so not into himself? If I did not ask, he would not have talked about himself. Admit it, but most men are just selfish sons of bitches and all they do is talk about themselves. Here is one man who was so interested with my story as if he was writing me a bio. I have never been so mentally stimulated in my life, although what we talked about were just same old stories about life, loves and learnings, but then again I could be misreading the signs.

Like I said, this was unplanned and thus I just thought about these in retrospect. First date or no first date, I am still in cloud seven. Knock me off if you must, but nothing can take this away from me. So, SHOOT ME.

PS...Looking forward to the next one. If I had to go back home again to buy another set of pasalubongs, I would.

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