Tuesday, October 27, 2009

the past

24 Jul 2005

Is all well in my heart?

I received this affirmation from one of my friends from UPAA, our Zen master or Master Yoda as we call her and I try to recite it every now and then... somehow it works, yet the pain still remains. I think its my stubbornness and optimism(?) that somehow things will be alright and that they will come into their places or I'm just a bloody totally hopeless romantic.. My heart is a wreck but I manage to get by.

Lest I forget it, my memory sometimes fades away, I'll just keep it here....

I lovingly release the past
I am free and they are free
All is well in my heart now...

or is it? I know it will be well, and as I keep saying, this too shall pass..... after a year, I will be up and about again... ready to take another chance.....

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