Thursday, November 12, 2009

a poem written for me on my 41st birthday

The Half-A-Century Tree

A Poem for Galo

By Oliver Ramos

Old as the big acacia tree watching over me through the window

Housing little birds that cannot fly, nursing them until they grow

With branches giving shed to those scourged by the raging sun

Dancing with the sun and smiling at the skies till the lights are gone

Rain or shine, the tree remains to stand calm and tougher

And some birds have flown as their wings have grown stronger

Swaying and kissing the skies, wishing them all the best

While welcoming others who are in need of an empty nest

Almost half a century has passed and the tree remains standing

With its branches’ breadth that is always welcoming

With its balding stems waving with pride and gratefulness

Talking to the sun and asking nothing but others’ happiness

Oh old tree I wish I remain that bird, small and naive

So that I can return to the nest you helped me weave

Only from the window I could hear your comforting song

With the melody and lyrics I will always sing along...

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